Saturday, May 24, 2008

In Need of Self Control

So... I've been eating out all week and the Boyfriend comes over. As per usual on a weekend afternoon, we take a nap and wake up hungry. I go downstairs and see that my parents have prepared two of my favorite home-made meals. Do I stay home and eat the healthy but delicious fish and mushroom dishes? Nope, instead we jet over to Wendy's and pick up burgers and fries. Another $5 down the drain and thousands of calories. Wasn't I supposed to be spending less and eating healthier?

One part of me thinks "Who cares, you weigh 125lbs, look 10lbs lighter, and never gain any weight no matter what you eat." On the other hand, my plan WAS to get toned this summer, lose 5lbs or so and also just get healthier in general! I've neglected vegetables all my life (some would call it an obsession) and I'm not getting any younger.

On the financial side of things, sometimes I wonder why I am so anal with my money and obsessed with money! I'm making $500 a week, I have no bills to pay besides the cell phone and have no debt. The other part of me knows that it's better to be smart about my money now than worry about it in the future.

The BF just went to go play basketball with some teens from his church. In the meantime I have been reading lots of new blogs. I love reading, even more than I like writing. Perhaps I should trade in Corporate Communications for Senior Editor. Proofreaders probably don't make any money huh.

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