Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Budget

I am starting a monthly budget to commence May 1st! Now I know I don't start work until the 5th, but that's alright. Although I won't know the exact amount of my paycheck yet, I do know I am working 9-5 Mon-Fri and getting paid 14/hour. Now until I know the actual amount on my paycheck I am just going to estimate that after taxes I will get paid approximately 13/hour. With about 4.5 weeks in May, that comes up to $2340. Here is how I think I am going to break it down.

Savings - $500
Trip Savings - $300
Shopping - $200
Transportation - $200
Eating Out - $200
Going Out - $200
Books/Magazines - $50
Cell Phone - $50
ETC - $100

The other $540 will go towards paying off my credit card bill from this month!

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